IBTB Seminar: Inventions, Intellectual Property (IP) and Property Rights in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Event 9/24/24
Workshop "Intrapreneurial Universities - Wishful Thinking or Worldwide Reality?" at the 2024 AOM Conference in Chicago Event 8/9/24
sustain(ATHON) 2023: Hackathon for students and researchers of all disciplines Event 10/30 – 10/31/23
Keynote "Can Engineering and Technology Management Save the world? A view on Climate Technologies" Event 10/20/23
Design Thinking Workshop exclusively for PhD students and post-docs from all disciplines Event 9/28/23
What makes a team successful: Teamwork Essentials Workshop exclusively for PhDs and Postdocs Event 9/26/23
Innovation by or with Artificial Intelligence: Implications for the Management of Technology and Innovation Event 9/22/23
Breakout Session – Speaker Series "From an Idea to a Successful Startup – Focus Supply Chain" Event 7/7/22
Lecture series Technikfolgenabschätzung: "Transformation@work - Klimaneutralität und Hybridität" Event 7/5/22
Vortrag "Corporate-Startup collaborations: Insights from Corporate Accelerators" bei den Brown-Bag-Forschungsseminaren Event 6/1/22
Keynote speech "Corporate-Startup-Cooperations: Insights from Corporate Accelerators" at the Brown Bag Research Seminar Event 6/1/22
Master Class on site in the nationwide livestream: The lecture series on Makers of Tomorrow Event 2/10/22
Presentation of the Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship (DTE) TECHAREA at ARENA2036 Event 11/24/21
Keynote “Digital Innovation and Sustainability: The new imperatives for Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship” Event 11/9/21
Digital Innovation and Sustainability: The new imperatives for Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Event 11/9/21
Ecosystems for innovation: Success Factors in the Collaboration of Startups and Established Companies Event 9/23/21
Keynote presentation on the role of innovation and entrepreneurship research in the context of the corona pandemic Event 8/2 – 8/3/21
The digital revolution in innovation and entrepreneurship – where we are and where to go Event 7/30 – 7/31/21
Presentation of the research paper “Emerging Technology Commercialization: A Technology Perspective” at the R&D Management Conference 2021 within the track “Enabling technologies and product customization” Event 7/7/21
Startup Talk: Presentation of the startups Sereact & Modugen in front of an audience of academic partners & industry partners Event 7/1/21
Presentation of the research paper “How do Corporate Accelerator Startup Selection Decisions Shape Organizational Search Behaviors?” at the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC) 2021 Event 6/10/21
Die Entrepreneurship Research Academy BW powered by Gründermotor auf dem International Entrepreneurship Education Summit Event 11/25/22
Kreativität und Innovation in Zeiten künstlicher Intelligenz (KI): Einsatzmöglichkeiten von KI im Innovationsmanagement Event 5/9/23
Die Rolle von Mentor*innen im Kontext von EXIST-Gründerstipendium und Forschungstransfer Event 1/19/21
EFFECTUATION THEORY: Können etablierte Unternehmen die Entscheidungsprinzipien von Start-ups nutzen, um innovativ zu bleiben? Event 3/14/22
Germany as location for innovation: Studienreise der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung macht Halt in Stuttgart Event 8/25/21
Vortrag von Dr. Stefan Reuter & Stefan Gugel, Rechtsanwälte BRP Renaud und Partner mbB, zum Thema Gesellschaftsrecht für Start-ups Event 6/29/21
Awake x Nachaltigkeitswochen @Hochschulen BW – Nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle – Gelingt die Transformation der Wirtschaft? Event 5/17/21
Vortrag von Dr. Andreas Chatzis, dem Leiter der Geschäftsstelle des Business Angel Region Stuttgart e.V. zum Thema Business Angel Investment Event 5/18/21
Speaker Series - Von der Idee zum erfolgreichen Startup mit Anydesk und Mojin Robotics Event 11/11/21
Intelligente Systeme für eine zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft – Beitrag des ENI zur Rolle von künstlicher Intelligenz für Innovation und Entrepreneurship Event 2/8/22