New industries emerge through technology entrepreneurship
What is the phenomenon?
The development of new industries typically takes many years. The associated process of creating new technologies into lasting innovations is complex. Technology-oriented entrepreneurs play a key role in this process through revolutionary products and services.
Successful examples show that a sustainable connection of start-up activities with the related network is crucial. This includes other established companies, but also other founders and their specific ecosystems.
What is known about it?
Technological cycles can be measured through patent activities, among others. Once a technology is diffused on a market, it is called dominant design. Hence, it can serve as a tool to analyse and even predict technological developments.
Change is always difficult, especially in terms of innovation it is a necessary prerequesite. The current digital transformation is a good example for such developments. Entrepreneurship is also not linear in its nature, and established player are not always happy about new entrants. But this view is also changing with new developments and cooperation modes.
Digital Entrepreneurship - Interfaces Between Digital Technologies and Entrepreneurship
Alexander Brem
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. pol.Director and Vice-Rector Science Transfer and International Affairs
Ferran Giones
Dr.Deputy Director