Organizational Creativity & User Innovation

We study how individuals and firms can enhance their creativity and ideation capabilities, using workshops, techniques, and tools in different types of innovation spaces.

Organizational Creativity and User Innovation go hand in hand

What is the phenomenon?

Ideas, inventions and ultimately innovations are crucial for sustainable business success, that is no secret. These innovations are no longer confined to the boundaries of individual organisations' R&D departments, but come from a broader range of stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, employees, etc. In this context, it is elementary to encourage and demand creativity in order to leverage these potentials - in small as well as in large teams, online and offline, etc.

What is known about it?

Creativity has been researched for decades, but mainly in psychology. Within the company, creativity must be promoted and challenged in a structured way. In addition to techniques, this also includes approaches for workshops and the design of spaces, with which various research directions are concerned.

The topic of open innovation has been present in research for many years, but has not yet been implemented everywhere in the corporate context. A distinction is made between inbound and outbound open innovation. The former refers to the involvement of external parties in the innovation process, which is typically already well established. The latter includes the commercialisation of own inventions, e.g. through patents and licences. This aspect is usually even less considered.

The Role of Creativity in the Management of Innovation State of the Art and Future Research Outlook

Topic-specific publications

  1. 2023

    1. Attalah, I., Nylund, P. A., & Brem, A. (2023). Who captures value from hackathons? Innovation contests with collective intelligence tools bridging creativity and coupled open innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management, 32(2), Article 2.
    2. Saleh, R., & Brem, A. (2023). Creativity for sustainability: An integrative literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 388, 135848.
  2. 2022

    1. Brem, A. (2022). Zur Relevanz betriebswirtschaftlicher Forschung in der Corona-Pandemie: die Rolle der BWL als Wissenschaft. Der Betriebswirt, 63(1), Article 1.
    2. Dąbrowska, J., Almpanopoulou, A., Brem, A., Chesbrough, H., Cucino, V., Di Minin, A., Giones, F., Hakala, H., Marullo, C., Mention, A.-L., Mortara, L., Nørskov, S., Nylund, P., Oddo, C. M., Radziwon, A., & Ritala, P. (2022). Digital transformation, for better or worse: a critical multi-level research agenda. R&D Management.
  3. 2021

    1. Brem, A., Viardot, E., & Nylund, P. A. (2021). Implications of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak for innovation: Which technologies will improve our lives? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 163, 120451.
    2. Arribas-Ibar, M., Nylund, P., & Brem, A. (2021). The Risk of Dissolution of Sustainable Innovation Ecosystems in Times of Crisis: The Electric Vehicle during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 13(3), Article 3.
    3. Brem, A., Kongar, E., Eckert, C., Santiago, L. P., & Daim, T. U. (2021). Editorial: Publishing in Peer-Reviewed Journals. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68(1), Article 1.
    4. Bettenmann, D., Giones, F., Brem, A., & Gneiting, P. (2021). Break Out to Open Innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review, Winter 2022(63208), Article 63208.
    5. DEGLER, T., AGARWAL, N., NYLUND, P. A., & BREM, A. (2021). SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION TYPES: A BIBLIOMETRIC REVIEW. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(09), Article 09.
    6. Wang, N., Xie, W., Ali, A., Brem, A., & Wang, S. (2021). How do individual characteristics and social capital shape users’ continuance intentions of smart wearable products? Technology in Society, 101818, Article 101818.
    7. Nylund, P. A., Brem, A., & Agarwal, N. (2021). Enabling technologies mitigating climate change: The role of dominant designs in environmental innovation ecosystems. Technovation, 102271.
    8. Brem, A., Hörauf, D., & Wöllner, T. (2021). „Wellenreiten“ und Motivation im Ideenmanagement. Zeitschrift Für Ideen- Und Innovationsmanagement, 3, Article 3.
    9. Obsuwan, S., Chandrashekar, D., Kraus, S., Brem, A., & Bouncken, R. (2021). Does Cultural Diversity Matter for Team Performance in Multinational companies? An Analysis of Conflict, Communication, Social Integration, creativity and satisfaction. International Journal of Innovation Management.
    10. Brem, A. (2021). Was ist Innovation? Ein Denkanstoß für unternehmensinterne Diskussionen. Zeitschrift Für Ideen- Und Innovationsmanagement, 3, Article 3.
    11. Wang, N., Tiberius, V., Chen, X., Brem, A., & Yu, F. (2021). Idea selection and adoption by users – a process model in an online innovation community. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 33(9), Article 9.
    12. Brem, A., & Nylund, P. A. (2021). Maneuvering the bumps in the New Silk Road: Open innovation, technological complexity, dominant design, and the international impact of Chinese innovation. R&D Management.
    13. Brand, M., Tiberius, V., Bican, P. M., & Brem, A. (2021). Agility as an innovation driver: towards an agile front end of innovation framework. Review of Managerial Science, 15(1), Article 1.
  4. 2020

    1. Jahanshahi, A. A., Brem, A., & Hoerauf, D. (2020). Employee creativity in war zones: Empirical evidence from small firms in Afghanistan. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(3), Article 3.
    2. Jahanshahi, A. A., Brem, A., & Hörauf, D. (2020). Employee Creativity in War Zones: Empirical Evidence from Small Firms in Afghanistan. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(3), Article 3.
    3. Brem, A., & Puente-Díaz, R. (2020). Creativity, Innovation, Sustainability: A Conceptual Model for Future Research Efforts. Sustainability, 12(8), Article 8.
    4. Thom, N., & Brem, A. (2020). Vom Betrieblichen Vorschlagswesen zum integrierten Ideenmanagement – Ein- und Ausblicke aus zwei Forschergenerationen (N. Landman & H.-D. Schat, Eds.; pp. 9–16).\_2
    5. Markmann, C., Spickermann, A., von der Gracht, H. A., & Brem, A. (2020). Improving the question formulation in Delphi-like surveys: Analysis of the effects of abstract language and amount of information on response behavior. FUTURES & FORESIGHT SCIENCE, 3(1), Article 1.
    6. WAGNER, S., BICAN, P. M., & BREM, A. (2020). CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS IN THE FRONT END OF INNOVATION: RESULTS FROM AN EMPIRICAL STUDY. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(04), Article 04.
    7. Nylund, P. A., Ferras-Hernandez, X., & Brem, A. (2020). Automating profitability together: Is there an impact of open innovation and automation on firm turnover? Review of Managerial Science, 14, 269–285.
    8. Clauss, T., Niemand, T., Kraus, S., Schnetzer, P., & Brem, A. (2020). Increasing Crowdfunding Success through Social Media: The Importance of Reach and Utilisation in Reward-Based Crowdfunding. International Journal of Innovation Management, 24(3), Article 3.
    9. Haessler, P., & Schneider, S. (2020). Effects of Gender Differences in Competition on Creativity.
    10. Niebuhr, O., Brem, A., Michalsky, J., & Neitsch, J. (2020). What Makes Business Speakers Sound Charismatic? Cadernos de Lingu\’ıstica, 1(1), Article 1.
  5. 2019

    1. Brand, M., Tiberius, V., Bican, P., & Brem, A. (2019). Agility as an innovation driver: towards an agile front end of innovation framework. Review of Managerial Science.
    2. Brem, A., & Brem, S. (2019). Die Kreativ-Toolbox für Unternehmen - Ideen generieren und innovatives Denken fördern.
    3. Managing innovation: understanding and motivating crowds. (2019). In A. Brem, J. Tidd, & T. Daim (Eds.), Technology Management (Vol. 32).
    4. Jovanovic, T., Brem, A., & Voigt, K.-I. (2019). Who invests why? An analysis of investment decisions in b2b or b2c equity crowdfunding projects. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 37, 71–86.
    5. Brem, A., & Utikal, V. (2019). How to manage creativity time? Results from a social psychological time model lab experiment on individual creative and routine performance. Creativity and Innovation Management, 28, 291–305.
    6. Bilgram, V., Brem, A., & Voigt, K.-I. (2019). User-centric innovations in new product development — systematic identification of lead users harnessing interactive and collaborative online-tools. In A. Brem & T. Daim (Eds.), Series on Technology Management (pp. 173–212).\_0007
    7. Brem, A., & Nylund, P. (2019). Innovation, open innovation and intellectual property rights: firm size differences.
    8. Brem, A. (2019). Les aires ouvertes au travail ne sont pas une si mauvaise idée. À condition de savoir les utilise.
    9. Jahanshahi, A. A., Brem, A., & Gholami, H. (2019). Working in a Physically Dangerous Work Environment: Employee Vitality and Sustainable Behavior. Sustainability, 11, 5170.
    10. Jahanshahi, A. A., & Brem, A. (2019). Entrepreneurs in Post-Sanctions Iran: Innovation or Imitation under Conditions of Perceived Environmental Uncertainty. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
    11. Managing innovation: what do we know about innovation success factors? (2019). In A. Brem, J. Tidd, & T. Daim (Eds.), Technology Management (Vol. 33).
    12. Brem, A. (2019). Open-plan offices are not inherently bad – you’re probably just using them wrong.
    13. Brem, A., Bilgram, V., & Marchuk, A. (2019). How crowdfunding platforms change the nature of user innovation – from problem solving to entrepreneurship. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 348–360.
    14. Clauß, T., Niemand, T., Kraus, S., Schnetzer, P., & Brem, A. (2019). Increasing crowdfunding success through social media: The importance of reach and utilization in reward-based crowdfunding. International Journal of Innovation Management.
    15. Brem, A. (2019). Baik buruknya ruang kantor terbuka (open office) tergantung dari cara kita menggunakannya.
    16. Brem, A., Tidd, J., & Daim, T. (2019). Introduction: Crowdsourcing Challenges. In A. Brem & T. Daim (Eds.), Series on Technology Management (Vol. 32, pp. xvii–xxiv).
    17. Nylund, P., Ferras, X., & Brem, A. (2019). Automating profitably together - Is there an impact of open innovation and automation on firm turnover? Review of Managerial Science.
    18. Brem, A. (2019). Das Neue in der Betriebswirtschaft: Ansätze zur qualitativen Forschung und Konzeption theoriegenerierender Forschungsstrategien (Vol. 21, pp. 25–38).
    19. Wimschneider, C., & Brem, A. (2019). The Perception of Creativity through Multicultural Experience - Results from an empirical analysis. International Journal of Innovation Management.
    20. Bouncken, R., Aslam, M. M., & Brem, A. (2019). Permeability in Coworking-Spaces as an Innovation Facilitator.
    21. Puente-Diaz, R., Toptas, S. D., Cavazos Arroyo, J., Wimschneider, C., & Brem, A. (2019). Creative potential and multicultural experiences: The mediating role of creative self-efficacy. Journal of Creative Behavior.
  6. 2018

    1. Gutstein, A., & Brem, A. (2018). Lead User Projects in Practice - Results from an Analysis of an Open Innovation Accelerator. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 15.
    2. Lettau, R., Vollrath, O., & Brem, A. (2018). Integriertes Ideenmanagement in der Praxis - Generierung von neuen Service-, Produkt- und Geschäftsmodellinnovationen durch Kundenintegration am Beispiel von Krankenversicherungen (pp. 237–265).\_15
    3. Bogers, M., Brem, A., Heinemann, T., & Tavella, E. (2018). Laughing Out Loud: How Humor Shapes Innovation Processes Within and Across Organizations (pp. 177–189).
  7. 2017

    1. Brem, A., & Viardot, É. (Eds.). (2017). Revolution of Innovation Management: Volume 2 Internationalization and Business Models.
    2. Maier, M. A., Rück, P., & Brem, A. (2017). How to Integrate Suppliers into the Innovation Process? An Explorative Case of Champion Formalization in the Purchasing Department in Times of Open Innovation. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 14.
    3. Brem, A., & Viergutz, L. (2017). Kreativitätstechniken im Innovationsmanagement: Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Analyse zum Einsatz in KMU. Zeitschrift Für KMU Und Entrepreneurship, 65, 197–221.
    4. Brem, A., Puente-Diaz, R., & Agogue, M. (Eds.). (2017). The Role of Creativity in the Management of Innovation: State of the Art and Future Research Outlook (Series on Technology Management, Vol. 27).
    5. Angerer, M., Brem, A., Kraus, S., & Peter, A. (2017). Start-up Funding via Equity Crowdfunding in Germany: A Qualitative Analysis of Success Factors. Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 19, 1–26.
    6. Ernst, M., & Brem, A. (2017). Social Media for Identifying Lead Users?: Insights into Lead Users’ Social Media Habits. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 14.
    7. Gerlach, S., & Brem, A. (2017). Idea Management Revisited: A Review of the Literature and Guide for Implementation. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 2, 144–161.
    8. Brem, A., Nylund, P., & Hitchen, E. (2017). Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights: How do SMEs benefit from patents, industrial designs, trademarks and copyrights? Management Decision, 55, 1285–1306.
    9. Kampfer, K., Ivens, B., & Brem, A. (2017). Multisensory Innovation: Haptic Input and its Role in Product Design. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 45, 32–38.
  8. 2016

    1. Muenzberg, C., Hammer, J., Brem, A., & Lindemann, U. (2016). Crisis Situations in Engineering Product Development: A TRIZ based approach. Procedia CIRP, 39, 144–149.
    2. Niebuhr, O., Voße, J., & Brem, A. (2016). What makes a charismatic speaker?: A computer-based acoustic-prosodic analysis of Steve Jobs tone of voice. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 366–382.
    3. Filser, M., Brem, A., Gast, J., Kraus, S., & Calabro, A. (2016). Innovation in Family Firms: Examining the Inventory and Mapping the Path. International Journal of Innovation Management, 20, 1–39.
    4. Brem, A., & Brem, S. (2016). Kreativität fördern mit Kreativitätstechniken.
    5. Tomczak, A., & Brem, A. (2016). A conceptualized investment model of crowdfunding (H. R.T., Ed.; pp. 53–77).
    6. Niebuhr, O., Brem, A., Novák-Tót, E., & Voße, J. (2016). Charisma in business speeches: A contrastive acoustic-prosodic analysis of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. 79.
    7. Maier, M. A., Hofmann, M., & Brem, A. (2016). Technology and trend management at the interface of technology push and market pull. International Journal of Technology Management, 72, 310–332.
    8. Brem, A. (2016). Wie kann man Kreativität in Unternehmen stimulieren?: Individuelle, gruppenspezifische und unternehmensweite Kreativität im Ideen- und Innovationsmanagement. Ideenmanagement, 42, 87–90.
    9. Puente-Diaz, R., Cavazos Arroyo, J., Brem, A., Maier, M. A., & Meixueiro, G. (2016). Pragmatic inferences and self-relevant judgments: The moderating role of age, prevention focus and need for cognition. Cogent Psychology, 3, 1–9.
    10. Kraus, S., Richter, C., Brem, A., Cheng, C.-F., & Chang, M.-L. (2016). Strategies for reward-based crowdfunding campaigns. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 1, 13–23.
    11. Brem, A., Maier, M. A., & Wimschneider, C. (2016). Competitive Advantage through Innovation: The case of Nespresso. European Journal of Innovation Management, 19, 133–148.
  9. 2015

    1. Brem, A., & Larsen, H. (2015). Lead User Innovation: Exploring interactions between lead user and company. 182–193.
    2. Vollrath, O., Maier, M. A., & Brem, A. (2015). Der Ideengutachter: Aufgaben und Anforderungen im Ideenmanagementprozess. HR-Performance, 1, 58–60.
    3. Fodor, M., & Brem, A. (2015). Do Privacy Concerns Matter for Millennials?: Results from an empirical Analysis of Location-Based Services Adoption in Germany. Computers in Human Behavior, 53, 344–353.
    4. Brem, A., & Bilgram, V. (2015). The Search for Innovative Partners in Co-Creation: Identifying Lead Users in Social Media through Netnography and Crowdsourcing. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 37, 40–51.
    5. Bouncken, R., Brem, A., & Kraus, S. (2015). Multi-Cultural Teams as Sources for Creativity and Innovation: The Role of Cultural Diversity on Team Performance. International Journal of Innovation Management, 20, 1650012-1-1650012–1650034.
    6. Schuster, G., & Brem, A. (2015). How to Benefit from Open Innovation?: An Empirical Investigation of Open Innovation, External Partnerships and Firm Capabilities in the Automotive Industry. International Journal of Technology Management, 69, 54–76.
    7. Brem, A., & Viardot, É. (2015). Adoption of Innovation: Balancing Internal and External Stakeholders in the Marketing of Innovation (A. Brem & E. Viardot, Eds.; pp. 1–10).\_1
    8. Gerlach, S., & Brem, A. (2015). What determines a successful business incubator?: Introduction of an incubator guide. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 7, 286–307.
    9. Brem, A. (2015). How to manage creativity and routine in a Start-Up: Organizational Ambidexterity in Entrepreneurship.
  10. 2014

    1. Brem, A., Jovanovic, T., & Voigt, K.-I. (2014). Investieren Ingenieure anders als Kaufleute? Ergebnisse zu individuellen Investmententscheidungen in Crowdfunding-Projekten.
    2. Brem, A., Jovanovic, T., & Tomczak, A. (2014). Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding, Crowdinvesting: Eine Renaissance von Genossenschaften bei Unternehmensgründungen? Zeitschrift Für Das Gesamte Genossenschaftswesen, 64, 39–52.
    3. Jahanshahi, A. A., Zhang, S. X., & Brem, A. (2014). Perceived Environmental Uncertainty and Firm Innovativeness (P. I. M. (ISPIM) T. I. Society, Ed.).
    4. Maier, M. A., Vollrath, O., & Brem, A. (2014). Der ldeengutachter: Eine explorative Untersuchung zum Anforderungsprofil und zur Relevanz einzelner Schlüsselqualifikationen. Ideenmanagement, 40, 39–43.
    5. Schuster, G., Hammer, J., & Brem, A. (2014). Perceived Creativity in an International Context: The Influence of Culture, Gender and Personal Creativity (P. I. M. (ISPIM) The.International.Society, Ed.).
    6. Brem, A., & Wassong, N. (2014). Wer investiert warum?: Eine Analyse von Investmententscheidungen bei Crowdfunding-Projekten. Zeitschrift Für KMU Und Entrepreneurship, 62, 31–55.
  11. 2013

    1. Brem, A., & Brem, S. (2013). Kreativität und Innovation im Unternehmen: Methoden und Techniken zur strukturierten Sammlung und Generierung von Ideen.
    2. Brem, A., & Pierre, W. (2013). Differences in New Product Development in Europe and Asia (P. I. M. (ISPIM) The.International.Society, Ed.).
    3. Tomczak, A., & Brem, A. (2013). A Conceptualized Investment Model of Crowdfunding. Venture Capital, 15, 335–359.
    4. Fuchs, C., & Brem, A. (2013). Nichts ist so stetig wie der Wandel: Ergebnisse einer Cross Case Analyse zur Veränderung von Geschäftsmodellen im Handel. Zeitschrift Für KMU Und Entrepreneurship, 61, 145–172.
    5. Ernst, M., Brem, A., & Voigt, K.-I. (2013). Innovation Management, Lead Users and Social Media: Introduction of a Conceptual Framework for Integrating Social Media Tools in Lead User Management (M. Olivas-Luján & T. Bondarouk, Eds.; pp. 169–195).
  12. 2012

    1. Brem, A., & Schuster, G. (2012). Opportunities and Challenges for Open Innovation in the Automotive Industry (L. Cirevagno, Ed.; pp. 226–238).
    2. Brem, A., & Wolfram, P. (2012). Keuper, F., Schunk, H. A. (Hrsg.): Internationalisierung deutscher Unternehmen: (Book Review). Journal of Business Economics, 82, 585–586.
    3. Brem, A., & Schuster, G. (2012). Open Innovation and the Integration of Suppliers: Literature Review and Discussion on Supplier Innovation (A. Brem & J. Tidd, Eds.; pp. 67–94).
  13. 2011

    1. Brem, A., & Moitra, D. (2011). Technology Transfer from Europe to Asia: Insights from an Indian MNC.
  14. 2010

    1. Bilgram, V., Brem, A., & Voigt, K.-I. (2010). User-Centric Innovations in New Product Development - Systematic Identification of Lead Users Harnessing Interactive and Collaborative Online-Tools (F. Stephen & H. Flis, Eds.; pp. 91–130).
  15. 2009

    1. Brem, A., & Ziegler, S. (2009). Implementierung eines Integrierten Ideenmanagements unter besonderer Berücksichtigung anreiz- und motivationstheoretischer Aspekte: Eine explorative Studie. Ideenmanagement, 35, 35–45.
    2. Brem, A. (2009). The Term Innovation and its Front End: Is There a Specific Asian View? (P. Pablos & M. D. Lytras, Eds.; pp. 55–64).
    3. Brem, A., & al. (2009). Integration of market pull and technology push in the corporate front end and innovation management - Insights from the German software industry. Technovation, 29, 351–367.


This image shows Alexander Brem

Alexander Brem

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. pol.


This image shows Ferran Giones

Ferran Giones


Deputy Director

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