Frugal innovations (FI) lead to products or production systems with a good price-performance ratio by focusing on the essential features (performance scopes / functions). They are considered a central concept for the future securing and development of existing markets, which are characterized by price-sensitive customers.
The research work at the center is aimed at enabling and supporting companies in the implementation of FI from the service and consumer goods sector and especially in the capital goods sector of machines, plants and components. The center provides interested companies with its competencies for consulting and prototype development. In addition, companies can access a development environment for frugal innovations in joint projects with partners of the center. The center itself cooperates closely with the S-TEC centers and other renowned research institutions.
Main research topics at Center for Frugal Products and Manufacturing Systems
- Development of frugal innovation strategies and a frugal mindset
- Strategic positioning of products in market segments and levels
- Digital determination of product usage
- Conception of novel services and products
- Identification of potential in existing products for further development into frugal solutions
- Design of simple, robust and cost-effective (entry-level) products and production systems
- Design and implementation of modularization strategies
- Development of user-friendly and localized human machine interfaces
- End-to-end engineering for the entire lifecycle and provision of the toolchain
- Training of frugal skills by means of an exhibit exhibition and practical training modules
- Knowledge transfer by building frugal solutions and Use-Cases
Collaboration at Center for Frugal Products and Manufacturing Systems
The center supports and undertakes development projects adapted to the individual needs of your company. Our focus is on close cooperation to maximize your benefit. An easy entry into the cooperation is possible via free Exploring Projects. In these, we analyze your individual starting position and develop initial solution concepts for your innovation project. If you are interested, please get in touch with our contact persons.
Alexander Brem
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. pol.Director and Vice Rector for Science Transfer and International Affairs