Competence field Entrepreneurship

The Entrepreneurship competence field is aimed at Master's students who are deeply interested in the topic of entrepreneurship.

Competence field


Since the winter semester 2021/22, students of the master's programs "M.Sc. BWL" and "M.Sc. BWL, t. o." are able to participate in three modules of the new competence field "Entrepreneurship".

In addition, students of the Master's program in Real Estate Engineering and Management ("M.Sc. IuI") and Business Informatics can also select modules of the competence field as part of their selective modules.

Furthermore, courses from the entrepreneurship competence field are also open to master students of the technology management program (M.Sc.). More detailed information is available in Campus (Entrepreneurship 1 and Entrepreneurship 2) or here:


This image shows Andreas Wahl

Andreas Wahl

Dr. rer. pol.

Head of Teaching

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