Maps and Directions

On this page you will find information about the address and directions including a map of the Vahingen campus.


Pfaffenwaldring 19, c/o ARENA2036
70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen

The institute is located on the 2nd floor of ARENA 2036, registration is required. If you have any questions, please contact Birgit Wittorf.


By public transport

From Stuttgart main station take the S-Bahn lines:

- S1 direction Herrenberg
- S2 direction Vaihingen/Filderstadt or
- S3 direction Vaihingen/Flughafen

Get off at the "Universität" stop and take the exit "Universitätszentrum".
Go straight ahead and follow the signs to MPA (Otto Graf Institut).
Departures are approximately every 10 minutes, the journey time is about 10 minutes.

By car

From Munich or Karlsruhe via the A8 or
coming from Singen or Heilbronn on the A81

Leave the freeway at the Stuttgart freeway junction in the direction of "Stuttgart (Zentrum)/Vaihingen".

Leave the freeway at the exit "Universität". Turn left at the traffic lights into "Universitätsstraße". At the next possibility turn right into "Pfaffenwaldring". The ARENA is located on the left side.

Parking spaces are available along Pfaffenwaldring and behind the ARENA building.

By plane

From Stuttgart airport, take the S-Bahn lines:
- S2 direction Schorndorf or
- S3 direction Backnang

Get off at the "Universität" stop and take the exit "Universitätszentrum".
Go straight ahead and follow the signs to MPA (Otto Graf Institut).
Departures are approximately every 15 minutes, the journey time is about 16 minutes.

How To Find Us


This image shows Birgit Wittorf

Birgit Wittorf


Team Assistant

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