
Connecting with the start-up ecosystem is a crucial pillar of our interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach. Therefore, we are involved in numerous regional as well as international projects.

Overview of current projects

The Agility Lab is the central point of contact for agile working, new work, agile tools and innovative event and room concepts at the University of Stuttgart. It represents agile science management and paves the way for the agile transformation of the University of Stuttgart. The purpose of this start-up within the university is "Supporting excellent science excellently."
The Agility Lab is financed by the university lump sum from the two clusters of excellence SimTech and IntCDC acquired by the University of Stuttgart from DFG funds.

Cyber Valley is Europe's largest research cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) with partners from politics, science, business and society. Cyber Valley strengthens research and education in the fields of machine learning, computer vision and robotics as well as the exchange between scientific disciplines. By promoting the exchange between science and industry as well as spin-offs, the technology transfer in this central future field is reinforced. Cyber Valley is located in the Stuttgart-Tübingen region and is funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg.

EINST4INE aims to develop new concepts, approaches and methods in the area of digital transformation and brings together a unique group of world-leading experts in the areas of Open Innovation, Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation and Innovation Ecosystems. The project brings together a consortium of seven European academic and non-academic partners, working in collaboration with more than 15 industry partners focusing on digital transformation. Through our work we aim to address current digital transformation research gaps by looking through the individual, organizational and ecosystem perspectives, and by undertaking a holistic analysis of various industries and innovation ecosystems.

The most promising, technology-oriented companies emerge from the start-ups founded by doctoral students. Nevertheless, only a fraction of them found their own company, as they are usually not taught an entrepreneurial mindset. With the project Elements4Founding, funded by the Vector Foundation, the University of Stuttgart closes this gap. The goal is to sharpen the perception of doctoral students as entrepreneurs and to create an offer that accompanies them on their way to founding a company.



Wind energy experts waste a lot of time on repetitive tasks. enviConnect develops user-friendly apps that automate processes and, thanks to digitized expert knowledge, help users make decisions quickly.

We want to proactively prevent water shortages and therefore offer smart metering for water consumption. This enables our customers to see exactly how much water they use for showering, cooking or watering the lawn. To do so, we record water consumption centrally at the household water meter and assign data to the application using artificial intelligence. We also provide personalized water-saving tips and an information platform e.g. with general facts about water and a community function.

Innovation Campus Future Mobility (ICM) is a research platform to collaboratively develop innovative technologies and test new approaches to create a basis for leap innovations in the area of mobility and technology production systems. In the ICM accelerator project, early career researchers from the ICM partner institutions get the chance to participate in a training program to develop their research projects and ideas to transfer them into practice. As of 2023, the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) supports the ICM accelerator project with an accompanying research design to ensure the quality and efficiency of the accelerator program.

IKILeUS is an interdisciplinary project at University of Stuttgart, combining expertise from different fields and faculties, to develop the university’s strategy for integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into higher education (HE). The project focuses on both, “AI for teaching” and “Teaching for AI”, to reach all students along their studies. Goals include offering fundamental knowledge about AI to all University of Stuttgart students, allowing them to work hands-on with AI tools, or implementing AI technologies for better HE didactics. IKILeUS is funded by BMBF (Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research).

More information

NXTGN is the innovation platform from Baden-Württemberg. We connect start-ups, science and business.

The network behind NXTGN consists of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the University of Stuttgart, the University of Heidelberg, the University of Ulm, Hochschule der Medien (HdM), IPAI (Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence) and Campus Founders. With NXTGN GmbH, the network is expanded by private-sector anchor partners and the anchor VC Mätch VC.

NXTGN's services are geared towards the individual needs of the stakeholder groups: NXTGN promotes talent in the field of innovation and helps to realize founding ideas as well as to make startups grow. In addition, NXTGN supports companies in their sustainable transformation through customized collaboration offers and provides a platform for a profitable exchange of entrepreneurship educators in order to promote scientific transfer through start-ups.

UNGENDERED VALUES consists of a 24-month project that will contribute to understanding researchers' innovation behavior in a time, in which other types of entrepreneurship are socially desired and expected, a new social moral of science is spreading, a (new) global crisis has arisen, and more gender equality in society is being gained.

UNGENDERED VALUES encompasses a multimethod study aimed to disclose the role that (un)gendered neglected pro-social and intrinsic values and other broader mix of causes play in triggering, maintaining, and dissuading researchers' entrepreneurial initiatives over time. Furthermore, it includes a reflexive exercice with the use of cinematography and story telling that aims to raise awareness of values, beliefs, representations and/or ideas of entrepreneurship among scientists.

The aim of the project is to gain an overview of start-ups with great social potential, but which have not yet been able to receive the attention they deserve due to a lack of (e.g. financial) resources.
The early identification of these high-potential start-ups enables the founders to gain attention for their goals. The temporal dimension of this project and the focused consideration of early-stage startups also makes it possible to derive recommendations for action for founders, stakeholders in the BW ecosystem and (state) politics.

project website UpStsart

The Young Entrepreneurs Excellence Program (YEEP) for pupils in Baden-Württemberg is a pioneering interdisciplinary educational program that aims to accompany selected talents from school to a promising entrepreneurial career. The program is jointly designed and supported by the Karl Schlecht Foundation and the Vector Foundation. The aim is to produce a new generation of entrepreneurs who are able to recognize and actively shape the current challenges, particularly with regard to climate change, digitalization and demographic change, as entrepreneurial opportunities. In close collaboration with the Hochschule der Medien and Gründermotor GmbH, the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science will link the project to existing offers and formats in order to utilize synergies.

project website YEEP

Completed Projects

Together with ARENA2036 and the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI), the Green Office  at the University of Stuttgart has submitted a funding application to the Climate Innovation Fund of the state capital Stuttgart. The Greenesto project receives almost 100,000 euros in funding for its innovative workshop format in the field of climate protection.

The aim of this project, funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg, is to inspire interested students to become entrepreneurs. The aim is to create the conditions for a successful application for start-up-related funding programmes later on. To this end, students will further develop their idea over several months as part of a supervised "Entrepreneurs in Residence" programme. In addition, these entrepreneurs will share their experiences in the subject groups or subject societies, but also in selected lectures/seminars of the faculties of the University of Stuttgart that are weak in start-ups. In doing so, they should primarily present their own idea and their further course of action in order to serve as a close, practical example for other students and thus spread the idea of entrepreneurial activity.

The approved funding covers the years 2021 and 2022.

The aim of this project, funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg, is to inspire interested students to become entrepreneurs. The aim is to create the conditions for a successful application for start-up-related funding programmes later on. To this end, students will further develop their idea over several months as part of a supervised "Entrepreneurs in Residence" programme. In addition, these entrepreneurs will share their experiences in the subject groups or subject societies, but also in selected lectures/seminars of the faculties of the University of Stuttgart that are weak in start-ups. In doing so, they should primarily present their own idea and their further course of action in order to serve as a close, practical example for other students and thus spread the idea of entrepreneurial activity.

The approved funding covers the years 2021 and 2022.


This image shows Hanna Dewes

Hanna Dewes


Research Associate

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