
Entrepreneurship is more than a study subject. Entrepreneurs are visionary and persistent, but also diligent and persistent. Our ambition is to teach this to the next generation.

Our teaching philosophy

With the interdisciplinary nature of our courses we are open to students from all subjects and disciplines. Through the approach of transdisciplinarity we want to transfer learning outcomes into immediate application by integrating researchers and external lecturers from industry. We have a wide range of courses that teach different entrepreneurship content. We offer an Part-time Master Intra- und Entrepreneurship, where you can apply what you have learned directly your work. The third pillar of internationality ensures courses in English, lectures and workshops with international guests, international summer schools and much more. In addition, we recommend everyone to do a semester abroad, in which you can also have courses that cover the topic of entrepreneurship recognized by us, more on this under organizational. We want to promote entrepreneurship and startups in and around Stuttgart, for which we provide teaching and workshop rooms, among other things

Our goal is to efficiently combine Entrepreneurship Education as a cross-faculty concept on all levels with aspects of theory and practice.

Dr. Ferran Giones, Deputy Institute Director

Studying and starting up

From teaching to coaching

This interactive teaching and coaching program was developed within the framework of Let US start!. A program initiated by the University of Stuttgart and supported by the Vector Foundation, which together with the partners Pioniergeist from Stuttgart and UnternehmerTUM from Munich has revived the entrepreneurial spirit and created numerous offerings to leverage the enormous potential on campus.

Our approach goes beyond the range of courses we offer. With the goal of enabling students to develop into self-reliant entrepreneurs, we have created a continuously growing portfolio of programs that support great teams from teaching to coaching to investing.

Our Coaching-Services


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This image shows Andreas Wahl

Andreas Wahl

Dr. rer. pol.

Head of Teaching

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