Intellectual property rights for startups: patents, trademarks and design for entrepreneurs

The participants learn the most important basics of intellectual property law that are important for a startup.

It could be much easier to get off to a successful start with your own startup if it weren't for competitors who make use of the unprotected know-how of others while protecting their own know-how by means of industrial property rights. This can quickly lead to unpleasant surprises, because "if you deal with it too late, you won't get in". Therefore, dealing with industrial property rights at an early stage is especially important for startups.

The Key Qualification "IP for StartUps" aims to take away the fear of (often also cost intensive) IP related issues and to enable participants to develop solutions and strategies themselves, national and international, at an early stage that allow them to safely navigate through a world of complex rules and laws.

With the help of real-life examples, exercises and discussions, we will get to know the basics of IP rights from the perspective of a startup that wants to protect its own innovations in the best possible way while being confronted with the IP rights of a competitor.

This SQ takes place every summer semester.

Students of the following subjects can also take this seminar as an elective under the course number: 100510506:

  • Mechanical Engineering - Master of Science (104)
  • Mechatronics - Master of Science (380)
  • Technology Management - Master of Science (920)


This image shows Alexander Brem

Alexander Brem

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. pol.


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