Time: | November 30, 2023, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. |
Meeting mode: | hybrid |
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Along your technology transfer journey, you will have to design and re-design your business model and pricing scheme. To get a first insight in how to strategically do so, we have designed this workshop for you. You will learn about the value creation through different business model patterns and get a hands-on practice based on the St. Gallen Business Model Navigator. Afterwards our colleagues from TRACES, the transfer center at the University of Stuttgart, will give you some helpful guidelines and practice on how to find a suitable and adjustable pricing model for future products.
- Knowledge on Business Model Patterns
- Knowledge on Pricing Models for spin-outs
- Guided practice on value creation and pricing with experienced coaches
You will receive 0.25 LP from GRADUS for taking this module.
Registration: e4f@eni.uni-stuttgart.de
Elements4Founding is a project of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) at the University of Stuttgart. The objective of the project is to develop a holistic, integrated and sustainable approach to sensitize and qualify PhD students and post-docs for the topic of entrepreneurship over the project period between 2022 and 2024. Various formats such as workshops and training events are intended to involve the target group at the levels of awareness-raising, qualification and more advanced stage of planning. Elements4Founding is funded and supported by the Vector Foundation.
More information and ICS-files