Elements4Founding Design Thinking Workshop for Early Career Researchers.
The RISE workshop series was developed in the Elements4Founding project at the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) to support PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in their career development. By taking part in RISE, you will develop and take away information and skills that will be useful for all career paths, and which are especially necessary if you consider founding a company or leading a team. Throughout 2024, we will offer a range of different modules to you that cover creativity methods, business model development, pitch trainings and several opportunities to grow and strengthen your network in the research and innovation community.
Together with the Design Factory Stuttgart, the Elements4Founding Project has developed this special workshop that takes place on March 27, tailored to early career researchers at the University of Stuttgart and beyond. Thanks to the support of the Vector Foundation, we are able to offer this workshop to you for free. Please register below.
Design Thinking is an iterative process that helps you focus on understanding a problem or challenge from the user's perspective, build empathy by questioning and understanding users' experiences, ideating solutions with the use of different creativity techniques, and building a (lean) prototype to test a critical function of the proposed solution.
Registration by e-mail to e4f@eni.uni-stuttgart.de.
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