CFXS Conference

Changing the meaning of entrepreneurship for scientists

October 5, 2022

ENI has been part of the Conference on Field Experiments in Strategy - CFXS on September 16, 2022.

The Conference on Field Experiments in Strategy - CFXS was co-organized by Hyunjin Kim (INSEAD), Rem Koning (HBS) and Sharique Hasan (Duke Univ), and hosted by the Innovation Growth Lab (IGL) with the financial support of the Digital, Data, Design Institute in Harvard.

The event included very interesting research presentations, and insightful discussions on how we can use field experiments to advance science. We presented our projects on how entrepreneurship could be redefined so that is more attractive to scientists. In this project,  Kathrin Lichius, Dr. Andreas Wahl and Dr. Ferran Giones of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science Institute will try to find answers that help to keep building an entrepreneurial culture at the University of Stuttgart.


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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