Chair of Entrepreneurship in Technology and Digitization, endowed by the Mercedes-Benz Foundation in the Stifterverband

With the founding of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science, Prof. Brem was simultaneously appointed to an endowed chair, which is supported by the Mercedes-Benz Foundation in the Stifterverband.

About the endowed chair

Prof. Alexander Brem holds the endowed chair at the University of Stuttgart called "Chair of Entrepreneurship in Technology and Digitization". The endowed chair is located in Faculty 10 Economics and Social Sciences and is co-opted with Faculty 7 Construction, Production and Automotive Engineering. Moreover, it is supported by the Mercedes-Benz Foundation in the Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany ("Stifterverband"). The chair is located in ARENA2036 at the Stuttgart-Vaihingen campus.

Inaugural Lecture Prof. Brem

Duration: 20:23 | Source: YouTube

Default subtitles are available in English and German, other languages upon request (see settings).

Video transcription

Portrait of Prof. Brem in the Tagesspiegel Background

Podcast "Made in Science" with Prof. Brem

"Take the opportunities you get"

Source: YouTube
Video transcription

About Cyber Valley

The chair is also part of the Cyber Valley Initiative of Baden-Württemberg. Cyber Valley is Europe’s biggest research collaboration in the field of artificial intelligence. Alongside the University of Stuttgart, the University of Tübingen, the Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, the state of Baden-Württemberg, the Fraunhofer Society as well as seven industrial companies are involved. With Prof. Alexander Brem, four Cyber Valley scientists are now working at the University of Stuttgart.

Cyber Valley AI Research Ecosystem

Source: YouTube
Video transcription

More about Cyber Valley

About ARENA2036

The chair is located in the building of the ARENA2036. ARENA2036 stands for „Active Research Environment for the Next generation of Automobiles” and is one of nine research campi of the funding initiative "Research Campus – Public-Private Partnership for Innovations" in Germany. ARENA2036 is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF) and is run as a registered association with members from science and industry. The partners are active in various disciplines – from the automotive industry, aerospace technology, textile and materials research to industrial science.

Virtual tour through ARENA2036

Source: YouTube
Video transcription

More about ARENA2036


This image shows Birgit Wittorf

Birgit Wittorf


Team Assistant

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