Moderated by Andreas Wahl, the lecture series of the Makers of Tomorrow project took place last Thursday. ENI streamed LIVE from the Arena2036. Welcomed in the panel were nFrames founder Konrad Wenzel and Peter Middendorf, Prorector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at the University of Stuttgart. Marcel Werle (Startup Coach at ENI) and Alexander Brem (Director of ENI) also participated. The aim was to give students and all interested parties an understanding of the scaling phase in the formation of a startup. The lecture series was therefore entitled: Scaling: How do you manage growth?
Breaking a Leg
After a short round of introductions, Peter Middendorf was to present the University of Stuttgart and its anchoring in the Stuttgart ecosystem. The presentation, the camera and the microphone withstood this challenge - just as it had been the case in the rehearsal. Unfortunately, this was only of short duration, because a technical difficulty arose: the presentation was suddenly no longer visible. Skilfully, Peter Middendorf and the technical support team mastered this challenge and were able to get the lecture series back on track as quickly as possible. After that, everything went as planned. There is no trace left of the technical difficulties in the edited version of the recording that is now available. All the comments, the laughter and the fun that the technical problem brought are now forever reserved for the participants and the live viewers.
What those responsible say
"Apart from the small technical difficulty, I think that the lecture series was a complete success. I would like to thank Peter Middendorf and Konrad Wenzel for taking the time to participate. We also consciously decided to accept possible losses of quality in video and sound, so that we could enter into an exchange with our viewers. As it turned out, we also received feedback from the plenum - also about our technical failure. Consequently, this was the right decision," says Andreas Wahl, summing up the event. Alexander Brem, one of the presenters, adds: "The way the technical support reacted was simply great. I think it's good that all of us here at the institute were able to contribute to the fact that it worked almost without a hitch. This shows once again that we have a really great team here. I am always amazed at how much passion the founders put into their ventures. Konrad is no exception. Especially how honestly he dealt with the topic when it came to going global with nFrames and what struggles that entailed. That was quite an impressive account."
If you're now interested in gaining your own insight into the world of entrepreneurship and the scaling phase, the full Makers of Tomorrow program and all the stops of the lecture series are highly recommended. Click here for the online course and here for the videos of the lecture series.

Andreas Wahl
Dr. rer. pol.Head of Teaching