Around 25 pupils between 16 and 20 years were selected from a large number of applications, the first 12 of whom met and introduced themselves at Arena2036 on June 27. What they all have in common is that they are interested in entrepreneurship and have already initiated their first projects, such as participating in Jugend forscht or their own start-ups, in addition to their everyday school life.
After the introductory round, the applicants got together in teams and developed solutions to make consumption more sustainable. In the subsequent pitch, they were able to show how much entrepreneurial knowledge they already have.
With YEEP, the applicants found the right program to actively acquire further knowledge on the subject of entrepreneurship while still at school. The Young Entrepreneurs Excellence Program (YEEP) for students in Baden-Württemberg is a pioneering, interdisciplinary educational program. It aims to accompany selected talents from school to a promising entrepreneurial career. The program was designed to create a new generation of entrepreneurs who are able to recognize and actively shape current challenges, especially with regard to climate change, digitalization and demographic change, as entrepreneurial opportunities.

Hanna Dewes
Research Associate