Sophia Hess

Three questions for Sophia Hess

November 8, 2021

"Three questions for..." is a format of the regularly published newsletter for Startup & Entrepreneurship at the University of Stuttgart. Here, people from the ecosystem of the University of Stuttgart introduce themselves, report on their experiences with the topic of "startup and entrepreneurship" and reveal tips for people interested in founding a company.

1. Please briefly introduce yourself and your current job.

My name is Sophia Hess, I am from Rottenburg am Neckar and I graduated from the University of Hohenheim with a Master of Science in Management. Since September 1, I have been a doctoral student here at the institute, working on the analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystems. At the same time, I am the scouting lead for the Gründermotor project. In the scouting team, we are looking for startups that will shape the Next Generation Mittelstand and thus the future of Baden-Württemberg.


2. How did you get involved in entrepreneurship?

The topic of entrepreneurship has always interested me. I am particularly interested in the political relevance of the topic. However, I did not know that I would one day do my doctorate in this field. Through my internship at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, I got to know Cyber Valley and came into contact with the topic of new technologies, AI and the emergence of ecosystems. Through Cyber Valley, I then met Ferran Giones and Alexander Brem from the University of Stuttgart and followed them here. I am looking forward to exploring what makes a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem and how we can better grasp them in the future.


3. What tip would you give to students who are enthusiastic about founding a company, who are currently thinking about founding a company or who have already taken the first steps towards self-employment?

I can only recommend to build a strong network of likewise interested and also experienced founders to share passion, knowledge and problems. There are great programs throughout Baden-Württemberg that support founders. This includes our programs at the University of Stuttgart and Gründermotor. Be brave, use these programs and get support. We are happy to accompany you on your way!


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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