First meeting of the think tank - the motto "network regionally"

November 24, 2020

In December 2019, the University of Stuttgart and the Stuttgart Media University were awarded in the competition "EXIST-Potentials" of the BMWi in the funding priority "Regional vernetzen".In line with the main focus, the goal of the joint sub-project of the University of Stuttgart and the Stuttgart Media University is now to bundle existing offers in the regional startup scene with the help of the Think Tank and to jointly develop new instruments to support regional startup activities.

The first meeting of the Think Tank took place virtually on November 23, 2020 due to Corona restrictions. This fact did not stop the participants from engaging in a lively exchange.

The clear objectives of the think tank:

  • Synergy potentials are to be raised together within the framework of this think tank.
  • Meetings are to be held twice a year to generate ideas together.
  • Input from business, science and politics is to be brought together with the "pain points" of the start-ups in order to be able to better coordinate supply and demand.
  • To accomplish this, the output generated in the think tank will in turn be used as input for creative camps. The creative camps will consist of experts, start-up representatives and project team members. The results of the creative camps will in turn be incorporated into the project and then evaluated in the think tank.
  • Synergies with a similar initiative in the city of Stuttgart are to be exploited through regular exchange in order to create an overall structure.



This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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