Exciting insights and honest advice from founders to researchers: Elements4Founding Startup Talk with roboloon and MESHPARTS

July 12, 2023

On Monday, July 3rd, the Startup Talk from the Elements4Founding Excellence Series took place at frei[raum] on the Campus of the University of Stuttgart in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. Over 20 early career researchers joined the event and in a relaxed atmosphere got to meet the founders of roboloon and MESHPARTS.

The last startup talk was an outstanding event, leaving attendees inspired and hungry for more. Thanks to the Startup Coaches from Startup Campus 0711, we could start the event by pointing out all of the opportunities that the University of Stuttgart has to offer to researchers who consider to tap the potential of their ideas and start their own businesses.

Featuring two groundbreaking high-tech startups, roboloon and MESHPARTS, the event showcased the immense potential of innovation and entrepreneurship. The founders shared their own unique journeys with their twists and turns, giving some valuable tips and honest advice to over 20 participants all across disciplines.

roboloon stole the spotlight with their mind-boggling advancements in robotics. Their goal is to create autonomous aerial robots that can overcome the biggest hurdles of today’s civil drone technology: flight-time and safety, without compromising for maneuverability.

MESHPARTS, on the other hand, with their cutting-edge finite-element simulation technology, close the large gap between CAD extension and professional FEA software. Their focus is intelligent automation of simulation processes.

However, the event wasn't just a passive experience; participants actively exchanged ideas and engaged with the startup founders, asking thought-provoking questions not only about the technology but also about funding opportunities and personal experiences. The room was charged with creativity, collaboration, and a genuine passion for entrepreneurship.

We would like to thank and all of the participants, and especially the companies’ founders and speakers, Dr. Daniel Wibbing and Alexandru Dadalau, for joining us, and the excellence clusters IntCDC and SimTech, the Innovation Campus Future Mobility (ICM) for initiating the idea for the Excellence Series!

But hold onto your seats, we're here to elevate your entrepreneurial journey to new heights: For the next Elements4Founding Startup Talk, we will take you on a journey to connect with like-minded people and meet more founders who dared to take the step of building their own company. Stay tuned for more details, because you won't want to miss what's coming next.

Sign up now by sending an e-mail to the Elements4Founding project team: e4f@eni.uni-stuttgart.de and stay updated in our LinkedIn-group exclusively for early career researchers.


Elements4Founding is a project of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) at the University of Stuttgart. The objective of the project is to develop a holistic, integrated and sustainable approach to sensitize and qualify PhD students and post-docs for the topic of entrepreneurship over the project period between 2022 and 2024.  Elements4Founding is funded and supported by the Vector Foundation.


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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