Entrepreneurship: How to get started at the University of Stuttgart?

December 10, 2020

On 4.12 an entrepreneurship colloquium took place together with the graduate college Gsame, the office for technology transfer and our institute. The aim of the event is to raise the awareness of the doctoral students of the Gsame and other research training groups for the topics of entrepreneurship and IP.

The event was introduced by Prof. Mitschang and Prof. Brem. Marcel Werle (ENI-Startupcoach) presented the support possibilities for founders at the University of Stuttgart, followed by a presentation by Philipp Häßler from the Office of Technology Transfer and Christian Freitag, Gsame Alumni and company founder. Following the presentations, a lively discussion with the doctoral students developed. A total of 46 participants attended the event.



This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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