ENI visits the SFB – TRR 161 „Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing”

November 16, 2021

During the lecture series at the SFB – TRR 161 “Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing” Tobias Dürr, innovation manager Cyber Valley, Ferran Giones, deputy institute director at ENI, Philipp Haessler and Marcel Werle, startup coaches, visited the SFB and held a talk about the Cyber Valley Cluster and Entrepreneurship at the University of Stuttgart.

As part of the lecture series at the SFB – TRR 161 “Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing”, the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) visited virtually and talked about their ongoing transfer projects, i.e. the Cyber Valley and the Exi+ project which supports students and early stage researchers in starting their own company. Tobias Dürr, innovation manager at Cyber Valley, Marcel Werle, startup coach, Philipp Häßler, technology scout, and Dr. Ferran Giones Valls, deputy institute director at ENI, held the talk.

The intention was to give early stage researchers an overview of interesting transfer projects that also interface with their research and give them the necessary knowledge of the first steps on starting a company or connecting with the network.

On the institute side, it covered aspects such as the activities of the institute and its research focus. Tobias Dürr talked about the different actors in the Cyber Valley network and how it is possible to participate and engage with the cluster. Marcel Werle and Philipp Häßler then talked about how early stage researchers are supported in starting their own company here at the University of Stuttgart.

For further information see the blog of the SFB – TRR 161


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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