Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship: which roles can AI play for StartUps?

October 28, 2022

Prof. Brem was guest at an event of the Stifterverband in the context of the AI Campus initiative

How can AI be applied in the enterprise? What should one pay attention to when using AI in the corporate environment? How does copyright work in the context of AI?

On October 24, Vanessa Cann (Managing Director of the KI Bundesverband), Prof. Dr. Alexander Brem (Director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research at the University of Stuttgart), Anne Mareike Schlinkert (Co-Founder & COO of Katulu GmbH) and Bart de Witte (Founder & CEO of the Hippo AI Foundation) discussed these and other questions with moderator Ralph Caspers ("Wissen macht Ah!", "Quarks" and "Die Sendung mit der Maus").

Viewers were also able to ask their own questions live via chat. The event was streamed, among others, at LinkedIn and YouTube and can be watched on YouTube.

Find the article about the event here


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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