By standardizing and qualifying the consulting services as well as intensifying the partnerships with industry and financing players, the support structure for research-based startups at the Stuttgart Campus will be raised to the next level. Thus, the number and quality of science-based spin-offs at the Stuttgart Campus shall be significantly increased in the long run. Likewise, seamless support for startup projects is to be made possible by incorporating the expertise of the entire network.
Professor Peter Middendorf, Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at the University of Stuttgart, is pleased with the successes achieved in the first year of the project, despite difficult conditions in 2020: "Together with partners from society, business and politics, we as the University of Stuttgart want to take responsibility for current challenges. This can only be achieved by selecting optimal transfer paths. Especially in our times of structural change, knowledge-based start-ups are crucial for success and therefore play a central strategic role for the University of Stuttgart.
With the EXIST project launched in May 2020 together with our partner, the Hochschule der Medien, we are using the clout of regional networks to pave the way for disruptive innovations and spin-offs in the future with existing excellent research results and ideas.
Despite difficult conditions, we were able to pursue a number of approaches in the first few months of the project, hold events and create the basis for a strengthening startup scene - from scouting for new technologies to optimizing consulting processes to networking with other universities in the region and other stakeholders from the Stuttgart ecosystem."
Professor Nils Högsdal, Vice Rector Innovation at the Stuttgart Media University adds, "I am particularly pleased about our teams, which have come together and grown together at both partners. After just a few months, it already feels like we have been partners for a long time. The joint doctoral program, our joint master's program "Intra- and Entrepreneurship", the Arena 2036 and many contacts at smaller formats, such as the Startup Weekend and the lecture series, have made it easy to start together. The basis is there on our campus and now it's a matter of making more of it and, above all, taking it into the region."

Melanie Minderjahn
Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations