Visit to the Vienna University of Economics and Business in June 2023

June 30, 2023

Exciting exchange between ENI, University of Canterbury, and WU Vienna

With the goal of building a foundation for potential future collaboration, ENI director Prof. Dr. Alexander Bremwas able to visit the Vienna University of Economics and Business in June together with Dr. Christian Walsh(University of Canterbury, New Zealand), and ENI PhD candidate Dominik Hörauf. The visit included the participation at the “E&I Touchdown – Pitch Battle for Innovation” event, that marks the end of a start-up program at WU.

Moreover, interesting options for future collaboration were discussed with Dr. Rudolf Dömötör, head of WU’s Entrepreneurship Centre. These will be further pursued also in collaboration with the University of Canterbury.

Finally, the institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation was visited at WU, where the team around Prof. Brem was invited to present their own research at the Research Forum and conclude this in discussions with E&I institute head Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke.


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

This image shows Dominik Hörauf

Dominik Hörauf


Research Associate

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