picture of Nora Biermann

Three questions for Nora Biermann

October 5, 2022

"Three questions for..." is a format of the regularly published newsletter for Startup & Entrepreneurship at the University of Stuttgart. Here, people from the ecosystem of the University of Stuttgart introduce themselves, report on their experiences with the topic of "startup and entrepreneurship" and reveal tips for people interested in founding a company.

1. Please briefly introduce yourself and your current job.

My name is Nora Biermann and I have been working at the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science as a project manager in the EXI+ project since July 2022. The project aims to support seamless funding of startup projects, to establish a startup culture at the Campus Vaihingen, and to make the offer visible for people interested in startups under the umbrella of Startup Campus 0711. Since the project is very multifaceted and offers different formats - from startup consulting to regional events to networking between teaching and practice - I am responsible for holding the threads together, keeping track of the big picture, and acting at the interfaces so that we can achieve the best possible result for all stakeholders involved.  


2. How did you get involved in entrepreneurship?

Before working here at the Institute, I worked as a PR consultant and was intensively involved with different business models and objectives, solving communication crises, ideating topics and campaigns, iterative processes and creative concepts. Especially in ideation and the development of unique selling propositions, the initial market and competitive analysis, a clear target setting and, in the further course, the review of one's own project are of great importance for standing out from other players and for a sustainable impact. The strategic approach from the communications industry can be applied to many areas - including entrepreneurship. There are many new business ideas sprouting like seedlings, but not all of them last. It is exciting and worthy of support to accompany people interested in founding a company on their way to making their innovations marketable and thus promoting entrepreneurship.


3. What tip would you give to students who are enthusiastic about founding a company, or who have already taken the first steps towards self-employment?

I think it is important, especially during the initial phase, but also for the further course, to look for suitable sparring partners, to learn from the experiences of others and to exchange ideas with like-minded people. The offer at the Vaihingen Campus is there to help those interested in founding a company to breathe life into their ideas and provides them with the appropriate support in the various phases of the start-up project. If students who are enthusiastic about founding a company take advantage of this, then they are in very good hands.


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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