Three questions for Jonas Fröhlich

July 7, 2023

"Three questions for..." is a format of the regularly published newsletter for Startup & Entrepreneurship at the University of Stuttgart. Here, people from the ecosystem of the University of Stuttgart introduce themselves, report on their experiences with the topic of "startup and entrepreneurship" and reveal tips for people interested in founding a company.

1. Please briefly introduce yourself and your current job.

My name is Jonas Fröhlich, and I have been working as a research assistant at the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) since May 2023. I studied industrial engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). My main task at ENI is to further develop the research platform Research BW of the private-public partnership Gründermotor. Through Research BW, we want to create a platform that encourages entrepreneurship researchers from Baden-Württemberg to inspire each other, exchange ideas and collaborate. Our goal is to increase the visibility of entrepreneurship research and support the dissemination of knowledge about start-up activities. In parallel, I am conducting research on the development of frugal and sustainable innovations as a PhD scholar at the Stuttgart Graduate School GSaME.

2. Wie bist du zum Thema „Entrepreneurship“ gekommen?

Before joining the University of Stuttgart, I worked intensively on the topic of strategic foresight. Strategic foresight should enable companies to identify possible future developments, opportunities and challenges at an early stage by systematically examining developments and deriving scenarios, and thus support strategic decision-making. An entrepreneur should also have the ability to recognise opportunities and turn them into economic success. This also explains why strategic foresight has been discussed in recent years not only in the context of larger companies, but also in the context of start-ups. It is precisely because of this connection that I have been dealing with the topic of entrepreneurship from a scientific perspective for some time.

3. Welchen Tipp würdest du gründungsbegeisterten Studierenden mitgeben, die sich im Moment überlegen zu gründen oder bereits erste Schritte in Richtung Selbstständigkeit unternommen haben?

Think ahead, think in scenarios. What might these 'futures' look like, what future challenges do you want to solve, what opportunities are there in the short to long term? By planning for the long term, you can carefully design your start-up path and successfully master it. You can also make use of the diverse programmes and formats offered by the University of Stuttgart and the Gründermotor.


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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