The use of public interesting framing for disruptive digital technologies

July 26, 2022

Prof. Gurses visits the ENI.

The ENI Institute has hosted the visit of Prof. Kerem Gurses (La Salle – Ramon Llull University) in July 2022.

During his visit Prof. Gurses has presented some of his recent research work, including the study on “Digitalisation versus regulation: how disruptive digital communication technologies alter institutional contexts through public interest framing” with co-authors Basak Yakis-Douglas and Pinar Ozcan.

The insights from this research are particularly relevant for the ongoing project at ENI on digital transformation and enabling technologies – Einst4ine, as well as for the innovation and research activities at Cyber Valley, and the Tech-Area that the Institute coordinates on Digital Transformation and Entrepreneruship (DTE) at ARENA2036.

We are thankful to Prof. Gurses for the insights he shared and the advice he gave to the researchers at the ENI Institute at University of Stuttgart. We look forward to further exchanges in the coming months.


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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