The Entrepreneurship Research Academy BW powered by Gründermotor at the International Entrepreneurship Education Summit

December 6, 2022

On November 25, 2022, the International Entrepreneurship Education Summit took place at the HdM Stuttgart. In a 20-minute science pitch, six scientists from Baden-Württemberg presented their current state of research to provide insights into the diverse and colorful entrepreneurship research across Baden-Württemberg.

Peter Fluhrer from the University of Tübingen started with the topic "Brand-Building in Startups". Rebecca Off pitched on the topic of the "Motivation of Female Entrepreneurs", Christina Lang on "Controlling Corporate Entrepreneurship" and Dr. Christina Ungerer presented her research program on "Startup Performance". All three are from the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz. Finally, we moved on to the research area of entrepreneurial ecosystems, where Ralph Henn from Karlsruhe outlined his research on the "Resilience of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems" and Sophia Hess from the University of Stuttgart presented her current work on "Measuring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems".

The goal of the Entrepreneurship Academy (ERA) BW is to connect entrepreneurship researchers across Baden-Württemberg to join forces and create synergies. To this end, a monthly exchange meeting is organized. Digitally, but also physically, as on the eve of the IEES, on November 25, 2022 at STEYG. At regular meetings, formats such as writing camps, targeted science communication, or even a platform for sharing content and relevant events are discussed.

The International Entrepreneurship Education Summit made it possible to give different scientists from Baden-Württemberg a stage and to bring the current state of their research into the discussion as well as to network with entrepreneurship researchers from Germany and all over Europe.

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This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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