Tech & Talents Hackathon

November 4, 2020

The first online Tech & Talents Hackathon, an event of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research in cooperation with the Department 1 - Research and Transfer, took place from October 19-22, 2020. The aim of the event was to bring together patents of the University of Stuttgart and students interested in founding a company.

Dr. Kaun, Head of Department 1, kicked off the event with a short presentation on startups and self-employment as an attractive career path and explained the importance of patents.

Following this, various inventors and patent holders presented their ideas, which the students worked on for the next few days. After everyone brainstormed the functions and market opportunities for each patent in a first step, small groups were formed and worked on five patents in more depth.

The hackathon proceeded in the form of impulse lectures on start-up topics with thematically appropriate challenges that the students had to solve in small groups. After the first day, which focused on patents, day 2 dealt primarily with the topic of team, as well as target group and value proposition. The students from various interdisciplinary courses of study were introduced to the basics of Lean Startup. On the third day, they were introduced to Osterwalder's Business Models Canvas, which provides an overview of a business model in nine blocks. At the end, they filled this with their startup ideas for the patent.

On the last day, they prepared the final pitches, gave feedback, incorporated that in turn, and in the end presented the results in front of a startup jury and the patent holders. The students perceived the event as a great change from their daily study routine and felt it was a successful introduction to the startup world.


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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