Teams from the Startup Region Stuttgart: amprove

March 22, 2022

"Teams from the Startup Region Stuttgart" is a format of the regularly published newsletter for Startup & Entrepreneurship at the University of Stuttgart. It presents startups from the Stuttgart startup region who tell the story of their startup and provide tips for those interested in founding a company.

Who is part of the founding team and who is responsible for what tasks or has what set of skills?

  • Dennis Middelmann, studied mechanical engineering for his Master's degree at the University of Stuttgart and is responsible for the management of the company and the simulations.
  • Yannik Eggert, completed his bachelor's degree in automotive engineering at the Technical University of Ulm and is responsible for the construction area.
  • Rami Bedewi, studied Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures in his Master's degree at the University of Stuttgart and is in charge of operational stability.


A brief description

We are a development service provider for cost-reducing lightweight components. With our new development process, we can develop economical lightweight components for any quantity and any manufacturing process, e.g. to enable shorter cycle times in mechanical engineering or to reduce energy consumption and unit costs in automotive engineering.


The background of the developement

Our idea was born during our employment in the research department of an automotive company. We dealt with all CAE & CAD topics related to structural optimisation. In addition to conventional manufacturing processes such as casting and milling, we increasingly focused on various additive manufacturing processes (3D printing). During this time, we were able to identify the unused potential in the area of fully simulation-controlled component development ourselves and map this to other industries. It was clear to us that we wanted to advance this topic as intensively and quickly as possible. This was the moment when amprove was born.


What was the biggest challenge for you last year?

Long delivery times of various components; omitted distribution channels due to cancelled on-site events


Tips for founders / What would you do differently today?

  • Don't write off large companies as soon as one department has no immediate interest. Simply contact the next one.
  • Don't make so many assumptions, rather test directly with the customer.
  • Carry out rough calculations on various use cases in order to quickly sort them out.
  • Use the start-up ecosystems.


Supporters of the project

Prof. Dr. Michael M. Resch


Funding period

  • EXIST May 01, 2020 – April 30, 2021
  • Junge Innovatoren May 01, 2021 – April 30, 2022


Area of application

automotive, mechanical engineering, motor sports, aerospace





This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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