In contrast to other manufacturing methods, 3D printing can be used to produce much more complex structures and thus more powerful - or otherwise unmanufacturable - optics. PRINTOPTICS designs, optimizes and manufactures sub-millimeter optical components and systems according to customer requirements. These new optics are used in numerous industries such as medical technology, metrology and semiconductor industry, but also at research facilities and institutes.
PRINTOPTICS' customers benefit from the fact that by manufacturing using 3D printing, the cost of individual optical components does not scale directly with the complexity of the design. In addition, completely new types of optics can be developed for customers with special requirements that were previously disproportionately expensive or even impossible to manufacture.
The start-up project is supported at the University of Stuttgart by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alois Herkommer, institute director at the Institute of Technical Optics, and Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Harald Giessen, institute director of the 4th Institute of Physics, and is funded by an EXIST start-up scholarship.
Dr.-Ing. Simon Thiele
M.Sc. Nils Fahrbach

Melanie Minderjahn
Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations