SQ "Entrepreneurial Finance for Engineers" (on site)

March 3, 2022

This course provides an overview of financing innovative projects and technology start-ups. The focus here is on topics such as financial ratios, financial analysis, valuation methods (DCF and comparables) and valuation for start-ups (venture capital method).

The course is aimed at engineering students who want to gain a global understanding of financing innovative technology projects. The aim of the course is to develop financing strategies that are linked to the strategy of the market for technology products and the general needs of an organisation.

The programme focuses on high technology projects in the context of an existing organisation or as part of a new venture. The aim is to prepare you for financing decisions as an entrepreneur or as a manager of innovation projects. Through a combination of insights from finance theory and real-life case studies, you will learn the course concepts in practical application. (Language: English)

Contact person: Ferran Giones




This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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