Participation in the Conference on Field Experiments in Strategy

September 19, 2023

CFXS 2023 at Harvard Business School

During the CFXS we learned from emerging and leading scholars on research projects conducting field experiments in strategy, entrepreneurship, and innovation. We covered topics such as Entrepreneurship outside Silicon Valley, forecasting, Entrepreneurial Learning, Gender and Market Frictions, and Non-market Strategy. Attending interesting panel discussions on how to build organizational infrastructure for experimental strategy research at scale, we were exposed to insightful and inspiring discussions during the sessions and during the breaks. These insights will help us in further developing the designs of our experiment and align our practices with cutting-edge knowledge in the field.


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

This image shows Finn Tryggvason

Finn Tryggvason


Research Associate, Marie Curie Research Fellow

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