Newsletter for Startup & Entrepreneurship

November 17, 2020

In our newsletter for Startup & Entrepreneurship at the University of Stuttgart we regularly provide you with information, events, challenges and jobs from the startup community. Stay comfortably up to date.

Whether you are a student or a researcher at the University of Stuttgart, whether you just want to get a taste of the spirit of the startup region, whether you are a professor or scientist interested in entrepreneurship, or whether you are part of the community in the Stuttgart region - there is something for everyone in our newsletter. Every two weeks you will receive events, competitions, jobs and news from the field of entrepreneurship and innovation research at the University of Stuttgart and from the start-up region delivered to your email inbox.

Here you can subscribe to our mailing list and stay informed:



This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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