Invitation to the Startup Talk with high-tech startups roboloon and MESHPARTS on July 03

June 13, 2023

Spin-offs from science - how exactly does that work? The next Elements4Founding x Cluster of Excellence Startup Talk will take place on July 3. At the Startup Talk, the Elements4Founding team will present support opportunities through the University of Stuttgart for prospective startup teams, followed by founders of two selected high-tech startups presenting themselves and their activities and answering questions. A great opportunity for direct exchange with the founders and other scientists interested in founding a company!

This time, the Stuttgart-based high-tech start-ups roboloon and MESHPARTS are taking part:

roboloon develops solar-powered airship drones for the autonomous inspection of infrastructure. The five-member founding team has the vision to create "a sustainable and peaceful robotics ecosystem in aviation that anyone can ask for help at the push of a button". As a TGU, Roboloon is part of the Technology Transfer Centre and the Institute of Flight Mechanics and Aircraft Control (IFR) and is funded by the EXIST-Gründerstipendium, among others.

MESHPARTS was also funded as a TGU and by the EXIST-Gründerstipendium and was spun off from the Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools (ISW) in 2013. The company has developed an innovative finite element simulation software for the structural dynamic simulation of assemblies. Already in 2016, the software solution has, according to the founding team, "reached a maturity that allows an unprecedented ease of working with large mechanical assemblies as well as fast and reliable results."

We look forward to welcoming the founders to frei[raum]!

The Startup Talk is organised by the project team Elements4Founding of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research (ENI), together with the Clusters of Excellence IntCDC and SimTech and the Innovation Campus Mobility. All scientists of the networks who are interested in the topic of founding are invited. We ask for informal registration by e-mail via by June 30.

Elements4Founding is funded and supported by the Vector Foundation. The objective of the project is to develop a holistic, integrated and sustainable approach to sensitize and qualify PhD students and post-docs for the topic of entrepreneurship over the project period between 2022 and 2024.

Key details:

  • Startup Talk with roboloon and MESHPARTS
  • Monday, July 03, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
  • At frei[raum] on the Vaihingen university campus. Pfaffenwaldring 45, 70569 Stuttgart.
  • Registration with the Elements4Founding project team:


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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