The Elements4Founding project of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) hosted an interactive online workshop on September 26th. The workshop was conducted in collaboration with experienced coaches from the Young Entrepreneurs in Science Initiative. Its primary objective was to highlight the crucial aspects of self-organized and agile team collaboration. Customized especially for PhDs and postdocs, the workshop aimed to offer insights into key factors that play a vital role in this context. Additionally more important topics were brought up such as team motivation, appropriate ways to discuss issues and overcoming obstacles and challenges as well as the influence of team dynamics on collaboration.
The workshop was organized by the Young Entrepreneurs in Science Initiative of the Falling Walls Foundation in cooperation with the University of Stuttgart, the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and the Universities of Ulm, Konstanz and Hohenheim. Host of the workshop was the University of Stuttgart, more precisely the Elements4Founding (E4F) project of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI). E4F is funded by the Vector Foundation and is part of the Startup Campus 0711.
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Elements4Founding is a project of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) at the University of Stuttgart. The objective of the project is to develop a holistic, integrated and sustainable approach to sensitize and qualify PhD students and post-docs for the topic of entrepreneurship over the project period between 2022 and 2024. Elements4Founding is funded and supported by the Vector Foundation.