Innovation meets Entrepreneurship - ENI at the Wine Festival STUTTGART MEETS MUMBAI

March 8, 2022

As last year, the team of ENI was happy to participate again at the Stuttgart meets Mumbai Wine festival.
[Picture: Stuttgart meets Mumbai]

Stuttgart and Mumbai have been twinned since 1968. Every year, the traditional wine festival STUTTGART MEETS MUMBAI takes place to fill this partnership with life. Not only the city partnership gives rise to the annual exchange, but also the state partnership between Baden-Württemberg and Maharashtra, which was signed in 2015. The wine festival serves as a platform to promote intercultural exchange and to network representatives of both cities from different industries. The aim is to further expand relations between India and Germany. Between the 21st and 27th of February 2022, it was that time again and, as every year, there was a lively exchange, even if instead of the usually colorful stage program, the virtual exchange was in the foreground.  

For the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science, Dr. Eric Heintze had the honor to discuss the topic of startup exchange between Stuttgart and Mumbai right at the first point of the program together with the initiators of the business development around Sebastian Reutter, Christian Lorenz from Code_n as well as Mika Mänz and Vijay Tsukka from actioflux. After an impressive short presentation of the numerous offers in Stuttgart for startups, it went into a lively discussion round, accompanied by moderator Stefan Halusa. After this kick-off, we are now looking forward to startups from Mumbai that want to become active in Stuttgart and teams from Stuttgart that want to gain a foothold in the Indian market.

Many thanks to the organization and to the cities of Stuttgart and Mumbai for this great initiative.


More about Stuttgart meets Mumbai


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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