Initial information on the EXIST Start-Up Grant and Transfer of Research for professors

March 4, 2021

[Picture: EXIST]

When students or employees set up a start-up, professors play a key role in the process: in addition to encouraging and motivating the students, they also offer specific support or are closely involved in the start-up project.

The Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science offers initial information for professors or academic employees who are interested in the subject of start-ups.  It shows what options the EXIST program, with its start-up grant and transfer of research, has to offer and what being a mentor for those interested in setting up a start-up actually involves. The institute has published this material in an open Ilias group.

Link to ILIAS Group EXIST Research Transfer and Startup Grant


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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