Funding as a project within the EXIST support program - A lecture by Nikalaos Baltsios from Pioniergeist about funding as a project

July 12, 2022

The event took place on June 28, 2022, with the aim of familiarizing current and former EXIST funding teams with the topic of funding. The lecture was organized as part of the accompanying program for EXIST funded teams. It was organized by ENI and the Startup Center of the HdM, supported by TTI GmbH.

As part of the EXIST funding program, the event was about giving the startups an overview on the topic of funding. The presentation offered many best practices for the founders on different aspects of funding and how to approach the funding project as an early stage startup. Afterwards, there was a lively discussion on the topic.


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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