Excellence program for start-up culture at universities

March 2, 2021

The Baden-Württemberg government is supporting the two-way transfer of knowledge and technology between science, business and society with a comprehensive "Gründermotor" program. Up to 6.1 million euros are available for this as part of the "Zukunftsland BW - Stärker aus der Krise" package of measures.
[Picture: Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg]

Baden-Württemberg will advance the two-way transfer of knowledge and technology between science, business and society with the comprehensive "Re-Start BW / Gründermotor" program worth 6.1 million euros. In the process, already successful programs will be strengthened and new programs established that promote spin-offs from science in a special way. "Re-Start BW / Gründermotor" is part of the package of measures "Zukunftsland BW - Stärker aus der Krise", which is intended to provide impetus for stabilizing and strengthening the state during and after the Corona pandemic and to ensure Baden-Württemberg's future viability.


"Baden-Württemberg's universities and research institutions offer an excellent environment for innovation. Here - based on excellent research - both product innovations and new, often digital business models are developed in crucial future fields such as artificial intelligence, digitization, BioMed, BioTech, green mobility or even green tech. In order to better promote the start-up enthusiasm of our creative minds, we need new, cross-university concepts, a comprehensive network with the right partners and individual support. In this way, we can increase the number of research-based spin-offs even further," said Science Minister Theresia Bauer.


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This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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