EINST4INE Summer School 2023

August 7, 2023

The Einst4ine 2023 Summer School took place from July, 10 to 14.

Prof. Alexander Brem, Dr. Ferran Giones, Parul Chaudhary, and Finn Tryggvason were at the Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge University, for the Einst4ine 2023 Summer School from July, 10 to 14.

EINST4INE brings universities, research organizations, and industry partners worldwide together to focus on industrial digital collaboration.

The Summer School was a get-together to update the project partners and work focused in workshops on different topics like Data visualization.

Thanks to Letizia Mortara and Robert Phaal for hosting the Summer school and thanks to Elia Vallejos Formatge for the picture.



This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Research Associate, PR Manager

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