Deep Dive Into Structural Equation Modeling - Research Visit Prof. Todd D. Little and Dr. Alan Johnson May 22-23

May 30, 2023

On May 22-23, the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) hosted a visit of Prof. Todd D. Little, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology, at Texas Tech University (TTU).

Prof. Todd Little is internationally known for his quantitative work on various aspects of applied structural equation modeling (SEM), such as indicator selection, parceling, and modeling longitudinal datasets) and his substantive developmental research. In addition, he is an expert in missing data techniques and software packages to deal with missing data in the modeling process. He established and regularly organizes the internationally renowned "Stats Camps" and gives regular workshops and inputs on statistical methods worldwide.

We used the two days with Prof. Little and Dr. Johnson to develop our analytical strategies for ongoing research related to the institute's research project: Dynamic Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Monitoring – DEEM. Our workshop included intense discussion on survey strategies and shifting to 6-form or 10-form surveys to make them more user-friendly and save respondents time. We also worked on developing an idea to empirically test and compare missing data techniques using Monte Carlo Simulations. We received constructive feedback on our work on Measuring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems across spatial levels – looking at distinct spatial levels of data aggregation.

We are very thankful for their visit. It is great to see how much collaboration potential is ahead and how much is already happening! We also thank Dr. Alan Johnson for making this collaboration happen.


This image shows Melanie Minderjahn

Melanie Minderjahn


Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations

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