Round Table Spring of Innovation 2024 in Nancy

March 25, 2024

On March 21, 2024, the Spring of Innovation 2024 took place in Nancy under the motto "Systemic Innovations: Industry, Society, Environment".

As part of the 10th anniversary of the Lorraine Fab Living Lab, an event entitled "Spring of Innovation 2024" took place on March 21, 2024. Prof. Brem took part in a virtual round table and discussed the topic "Co-creation ecosystems for systemic and sustainable innovation" with Robert Mies (TU Berlin), Antoine Daval (La Vigotte Lab et Colab.Studio) and Dr.-Ing. Manuel Moritz (Helmut-Schmidt Universität). The round table was moderated by Laurent Dupont (Université de Lorraine). In addition to the two round tables, a workshop was offered on the topic of "Trust, Innovation and Organizational Renewal".

Find the program here


This image shows Hanna Dewes

Hanna Dewes


Research Associate

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