Beiträge in Tagungsbänden

Beiträge in Tagungsbänden von Prof. Dr. Alexander Brem und den Institutsmitarbeitern.

Beiträge in Tagungsbänden

  1. 2019

    1. Bouncken, R., Aslam, M. M., & Brem, A. (2019). Permeability in Coworking-Spaces as an Innovation Facilitator.
    2. Danuso, A., & Giones, F. (2019, September). How Can Industrial Players Make the Most of the Digitalization Opportunities. 20th International CINet Conference.
  2. 2018

    1. Weigelt, M., Mayr, A., Masuch, M., Batz, K., Franke, J., Bican, P., Brem, A., Russer, J. A., & Russer, P. (2018). Techno-Economic Evaluation of Strategic Solutions to Extend the Range of Electric Vehicles.
  3. 2016

    1. Ungerer, C., König, M., Giones, F., & Baltes, G. (2016). Reliably Reading Venture Survival from the Business Plan: Determining Venture Emergence and Survival with Computer-Based Content Analysis of Business Plan Texts. 2016 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation / IEEE lnternational Technology Management Conference (ICE/ITMC), 1--7.
    2. Gurses, K., Giones, F., & Mehta, K. (2016). Death by success: The international diffusion and the subsequent deinstitutionalization of the TPO practice. SMS Annual Conference.
    3. Novotny, A., Rasmussen, E., Billström, A., & Giones, F. (2016). Does University Technology Transfer Offices make a difference? - Additionality and contributions to Spin-off firm success. Technology Transfer Society (T2S) Conference.
    4. Giones, F., Gozun, B., & Miralles, F. (2016). Resource combinations influence on new firm growth , studying new entrants in a high tech industry. 2016 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation / IEEE lnternational Technology Management Conference (ICE/ITMC), June, Article June.
    5. Niebuhr, O., Brem, A., Novák-Tót, E., & Voße, J. (2016). Charisma in business speeches: A contrastive acoustic-prosodic analysis of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. 79.
    6. Ungerer, C., Konig, M., Giones, F., & Baltes, G. (2016). Measuring venture emergence and survival by analyzing transaction relations in business plans: UUsing network theory constructs and computer-based content analysis to determine the VE status and survival capability of NTBFs. In K. Kristensen, R. Bierwolf, D. Romero, & P. Abrahamsson (Hrsg.), 2016 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation/IEEE lnternational Technology Management Conference, ICE/ITMC 2016 - Proceedings. IEEE.
    7. Giones, F., Billström, A., Rasmussen, E., & Novotny, A. (2016). Technology Novelty and Performance of Academic Spin-offs in Norway. Technology Transfer Society (T2S) Conference.
    8. Boyd, B., Brem, A., Bogers, M., Wang, C., & Tegtmeier, S. (2016). Collaborative Business Models for Energy Efficient Solutions An Exploratory Analysis of Danish and German Manufacturers: An Exploratory Analysis of Danish and German Manufacturers.
    9. Gretzinger, S., Fietze, S., Ugonna, O. T. (Toby), & Brem, A. (2016). Embeddedness of Aspiring Entrepreneurs: First Insights from a Single Case Study in Southern Jutland.
    10. Giones, F., Riu, D., & Rovira, X. (2016). Using Fuzzy-TOPSIS Method to Rank Investors ’ Decision Variables in Venture Proposals Evaluation. 83ND MEETING OF EURO WORKING GROUP ON MCDA.
    11. Bjørn\aali, E., Giones, F., Nordskar, G., Wright, P., & Klimas-Hermansen, V. (2016). The Determinants of Clean-Tech Venture Performance: Lessons from Technology Entrepreneurship and Research Agenda. 2016 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC).
    12. Radziwon, A., Bogers, M., & Brem, A. (2016). Conditions for entrepreneurial ecosystem development: the SMEs perspective.
  4. 2015

    1. Giones, F., Miralles, F., Konig, M., & Baltes, G. (2015). Do all paths lead to Rome? Technology and market orientation influence on the growth of new technology-based firms. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation/ International Technology Management Conference (ICE/ITMC), June, Article June.
    2. Brem, A. (2015). How to manage creativity and routine in a Start-Up: Organizational Ambidexterity in Entrepreneurship.
    3. Agarwal, N., Grottke, M., & Brem, A. (2015). Understanding Emerging Market Companies and Customers: an Empirical Study of Innovation Constructs for New Product Development (M. European.Institute, Hrsg.).
    4. Brem, A., & Larsen, H. (2015). Lead User Innovation: Exploring interactions between lead user and company. 182–193.
    5. Rauschnabel, P. A., Brem, A., & Ivens, B. S. (2015). Mixing Physical and Virtual Realities: Implications of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses for the Management of Innovation (A. American.Marketing, Hrsg.).
    6. Boyd, B., Bogers, M., Brem, A., & Wang, C. (2015). Collaborative Business Models for Energy Efficient Solutions in the Region of Sønderjylland.
    7. Giones, F., Balladares, G., Miralles, F., & Riu, D. (2015). When less is more? Resource richness influence on the value creation strategies for new technology-based ventures. Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship (GRSME), 12--15.
  5. 2014

    1. Giones, F., & Miralles, F. (2014). Exploring the use of signals in the venture emergence of new technology-based firms. 2014 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), June, Article June.
    2. Schuster, G., Hammer, J., & Brem, A. (2014). Perceived Creativity in an International Context: The Influence of Culture, Gender and Personal Creativity (P. I. M. (ISPIM) The.International.Society, Hrsg.).
    3. Wolfram, P., & Brem, A. (2014). Internal Markets for Innovation: Case Study Results of Blockades at Affiliates’ Level in Developed Markets (F. I. I. U. Stuttgart, Hrsg.; S. 824–835).
    4. Brem, A., Jovanovic, T., & Voigt, K.-I. (2014). Investieren Ingenieure anders als Kaufleute? Ergebnisse zu individuellen Investmententscheidungen in Crowdfunding-Projekten.
    5. Maier, M. A., Korbel, J. J., & Brem, A. (2014). Industry 4.0: Solving the agency dilemma in supply networks through cyber physical systems.
    6. Wolfram, P., Schuster, G., & Brem, A. (2014). Intellectual Property Strategies of Multinational Companies Patenting in China (F. I. IAT.Universität.Stuttgart, Hrsg.; S. 745–749).
    7. Jahanshahi, A. A., Zhang, S. X., & Brem, A. (2014). Perceived Environmental Uncertainty and Firm Innovativeness (P. I. M. (ISPIM) T. I. Society, Hrsg.).
    8. Horn, C., Brem, A., Wölfl, S., Ivens, B. S., & Hein, D. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility in Online Social Networks: An Empirical Analysis of Corporate Communication for Brands on the German Market (T. Manchester.Metropolitan.University, Hrsg.).
    9. Frutos, S. M., Giones, F., & Miralles, F. (2014, Juni). Social Media engagement as an e-commerce driver, a consumer behavior perspective. 2014 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI).
    10. Agarwal, N., Brem, A., & Grottke, M. (2014). A unified innovation approach to emerging markets: Imperatives to play and win the game (M. European.Institute, Hrsg.).
  6. 2013

    1. Brem, A., & Pierre, W. (2013). Differences in New Product Development in Europe and Asia (P. I. M. (ISPIM) The.International.Society, Hrsg.).
    2. Giones, F., & Miralles, F. (2013, Juni). Do great technological ideas make great business opportunities? Entrepreneur’s self-regulatory focus in opportunity building. ICE & IEEE International Technology Management Conference.
    3. Zeller, A., Toepffer, F., & Brem, A. (2013). Credit card with non revolving loan facility.
    4. Horn, C. F., Ivens, B. S., & Brem, A. (2013). Prediction Markets for Business Forecasting: Results from Laboratory-Studies and a Case Study. 1–17.
    5. Stahl, B. C., & Brem, A. (2013). Spaces for Responsible Innovation in Entrepreneurship: a Conceptual Analysis.
    6. Brem, A., & Wolfram, P. (2013). Differences in New Product Development in Europe and Asia (P. I. M. (ISPIM) The.International.Society, Hrsg.).
  7. 2012

    1. Zeller, A., & Brem, A. (2012). Innovation Management in German Retail Banking - Using a Customer Council to Generate New Concepts.
    2. Agarwal, N., & Brem, A. (2012). Frugal and reverse innovation - Literature overview and case study insights from a German MNC in India and China. 1–11.
  8. 2011

    1. Brem, A., & Moitra, D. (2011). Technology Transfer from Europe to Asia: Insights from an Indian MNC.
  9. 2009

    1. Brem, A., & al. (2009). Business Idea Identification of Serial Entrepreneurs and the Role of Team Founding for Serial Venture Creation - Insights form a Cases-driven Explorative Study.
    2. Brem, A., Schindler, M., & Voigt, K.-I. (2009). The Influence of Corporate Foresight on the Companies Innovation Process.
  10. 2008

    1. Brem, A., Scheiner, C., Voigt, K.-I., & al., et. (2008). From Technology Management to Product Development - Insights from the German Automotive Industry.
    2. Scheiner, C., Brem, A., Voigt, K.-I., & al. (2008). Gender-related Differences in Motivation, Goals and Performance Evaluation.
    3. Männer, A.-L., Brem, A., & Voigt, K.-I. (2008). „Recht“ als Innovationsimpuls? Konzeptualisierung von Regulatory Push/Pull-Innovationen und deren Umsetzung in der Praxis.
    4. Laspita, S., Scheiner, C., Brem, A., Voigt, K.-I., & Klandt, H. (2008). Gender-related Differences in the Founding Intention.
    5. Gerhard, D., Ihmels, S., Brem, A., & Voigt, K.-I. (2008). Technology Roadmapping and Make-or-Buy Decisions - Strategic Innovation Management through Development Pathways.
  11. 2007

    1. Laspita, S., Scheiner, C., Chlosta, S., Brem, A., Voigt, K.-I., & Klandt, H. (2007). Academic Entrepreneurship - Examining Motivating and Hindering Influences Through the Gender Lense; Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training - Innovative Formats for Entrepreneurship Education Teaching.
    2. Voigt, K.-I., Brem, A., & Czaja, L. (2007). Ingredient Branding in Capital Goods Markets - Results from an Empirical Analysis in the Automotive Supplier Industry.
    3. Scheiner, C., Brem, A., Voigt, K.-I., & et al. (2007). Entrepreneurship in the United Kingdom and Germany - Educational Concepts and their Impact on Intention to Start-up; Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training - Innovative Formats for Entrepreneurship Education Teaching.
    4. Scheiner, C., Sarmiento, T., Brem, A., Harte, V., & Voigt, K.-I. (2007). Entrepreneurship Education in the United Kingdom and Germany.
    5. Voigt, K.-I., & Brem, A. (2007). Modernes Ideen- und Innovationsmanagement und die Rolle von Best Practices.
    6. Voigt, K.-I., & Brem, A. (2007). Pull vs. Push - Strategic Technology and Innovation Management for a Successful Integration of Market-Pull and Technology-Push Activities.
    7. Voigt, K.-I., Brem, A., Scheiner, C., & al., et. (2007). Serial-Entrepreneurs in the Business Foundation Process - Insights from a Case-driven Explorative Study.
    8. Voigt, K.-I., & Brem, A. (2007). Innovation Management and the (Fuzzy) Front End: How to Integrate Sustainable Front End Strategies within the Innovation Process (C. J., Hrsg.; S. 351–355).
    9. Brem, A., Scheiner, C., Voigt, K.-I., & al., et. (2007). Gender-Related Differences of Founding Intentions due to the Perceptions of Fostering and Inhibiting Factors.
    10. Voigt, K.-I., Scheiner, C., Brem, A., & al. (2007). How Do Strategy, Resources and Processes Influence the Product Development Success? Results from an Empirical Study.
    11. Voigt, K.-I., Brem, A., & Scheiner, C. (2007). Business Idea Identification and Evaluation - Experiment Management in Practice.
  12. 2006

    1. Voigt, K.-I., Brem, A., & Scheiner, C. (2006). Entrepreneurship Education and the „Study Cooperation“ - Approach - Results from a Quantitative Empirical Analysis.
    2. Voigt, K.-I., Brem, A., & Czaja, L. (2006). Emotional Branding in b2b Markets.
    3. Voigt, K.-I., Brem, A., & Scheiner, C. (2006). Pioneer vs. Follower: The Time-to-Market Dilemma - Results from an Empirical Study.
    4. Voigt, K.-I., & Brem, A. (2006). Integrated Idea Management in Emerging Technology Ventures. 211–215.


Dieses Bild zeigt Alexander Brem

Alexander Brem

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. pol.

Institutsdirektor und Prorektor für Transfer und Internationales

Dieses Bild zeigt Ferran Giones

Ferran Giones


Stellvertretender Direktor

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