Pfaffenwaldring 19
70569 Stuttgart
- software development
- artificial intelligence
- startup
Moritz Emberger completed his bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart. As a research assistant at the Institute of Space Systems, he contributed to the development of the control system for the secondary mirror of a balloon-based reflecting telescope and actively worked in the field of microelectronics. In parallel, he expanded his knowledge in handling sensor data and controller design. Moritz Emberger also worked as an intern and working student for the startup Ampeers Energy in software development. The subject of this activity was the cloud-based processing and analysis of real-time measurement data. Moritz came into contact with entrepreneurship through the program "Awake - In 6 weeks to a startup" as CTO of hydrop systems and has been supported by the Junge Innovatoren-program at the Institute for Entrepreneurship since September 2023.