Thanks to the participation of a large number of founders from the BW ecosystem in the DEEM project survey in summer 2023, 200 seedlings were donated for a reforestation project near Herrenberg (48°35'25.3 "N 8°54'48.0 "E). The DEEM project consists of a young research group at the ENI. DEEM has created a longitudinal dataset for research on the Baden-Württemberg start-up ecosystem. Researchers want to understand whether (public) resources for founders in Baden-Württemberg are being used efficiently, whether they are accessible to and reach founders and how the transfer between research, policy and practice can be improved. There is also a particular focus on early-stage start-up projects, especially their economic and social goals. This project was supported by the NXTGN state initiative, which is also supporting the next wave of the survey.
A measurement model for the BW start-up ecosystem was developed from the last survey, which will help to uncover potential for improvement in our start-up ecosystem in the future and later translate this into political action measures.
The DEEM project will launch a new survey wave at the end of July 2024. The central focus of the next survey will be on the subjective perception of the BW start-up ecosystem by founders. For this, the team needs the support of start-ups throughout Baden-Württemberg!
For questions about DEEM and the surveys, please contact Sophia Hess.
Hanna Dewes
Research Associate