The first Online Startup Weekend Stuttgart started successfully on Friday afternoon! First step: In 60 seconds to the idea. After an initial warm-up, the participants started directly with their pitch fires. At the end, the best ideas formed the first teams, in which the participants worked diligently!
Day two started with a yoga session, then it was time to work. Input was provided by Tim Gnannt and Jordi Mauri, among others. Tim is multi-founder and CEO of on Reach. His entrepreneurial heart beats for storytelling, marketing and branding. Jordi from our team at the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research at the University of Stuttgart is an experienced startup coach and founder of APLICAe innovation. Jordi is a big fan of Visual Thinking and a professional in Design Thinking and Business Design.
After a long Saturday of brainstorming, discussing, working and learning, it was time for the final countdown on Sunday. Again, there was input from Florian Demaku and Ulf Kühnapfel. On Sunday evening it was time for the final pitches in front of the jury. Hannah Boomgaarden - Senior Program Manager at STARTUP AUTOBAHN powered by Plug and Play, June Nardiello - Program manager of the Academic Seed Accelerator Program and Wolfgang Vogt - Member of the Board at Senioren der Wirtschaft Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz took over the role of judges.
Here you can watch the livestream of the final pitches:
Melanie Minderjahn
Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations