NITIM is an international graduate school for research on Networks, Information, Technology and Innovation Management. Laura Rehberg participated and shares her experience:
"Participating in the Summerschool was a great experience. The opportunity to get feedback from researchers from all over the world and to be able to contribute as a discussant and time master is a very important experience. I am now in my second year and presented my phd-proposal and talked about prototyping in engineering. Sometimes you have to change perspectives to make progress- talking to other researchers about technologies of the future in general and prototyping in particular has contributed significantly to this. Furthermore, there were keynotes to support the implementation of the feedback. I was especially excited about the keynote by Dr. Ferran Giones on "Building and writing a research contribution, tips and templates" - I needed this inspiration to be able to theoretically optimize the contribution of my research. Immediately afterwards, I attended the 28th IEEE ICE/ITMC & 31st IAMOT Conference IEEE and presented my paper on "Usered-centered prototypes". Besides exciting workshops and paper presentations, Prof. Dr. Alexander Brem presented as keynote speaker the topic: "Frugal Innovation: Constraint-based thinking as a solution for sustainability?" - it is great to see what research work is done at the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science and how many PhD students and researchers can learn and build on it.
Thanks to the organizing team for their work! I will definitely come again."

Melanie Minderjahn
Career Service - Inner Development, Public Relations